The History of Hemp and Terpenes

The History of Hemp and Terpenes  
Hemp and humanity have had an ongoing relationship for over 10,000 years when the Chinese first started utilizing this versatile crop for rope making. “The earliest known record of its use as a medicine was 2737 BCE, when Emperor Shen Neng recommended a cannabis tea  for the treatment of pain, arthritis, malaria, gout, and memory disorders. The Egyptians are the first known civilization to have used to reduce the growth of tumors. It was prescribed by ancient Greek and Roman physicians and is confirmed to have had innumerable ceremonial, recreational, medicinal, and therapeutic uses in Asia, Africa, Arabia, South America, and Central America.” (1)

Can anyone guess what this is being towed by horses above on this 1914 issued US 10 dollar? Or what it was printed on? You probably guessed it hemp. The founding fathers of the United States saw hemp as the crop that was to help fuel industrialization as seen above on this bill. In 1937, the same lobbyists that controlled our country, alcohol, paper, tobacco, cotton, and petroleum industries banned both hemp and cannabis. Most other countries did the same shortly after.

There is light at the end of this full circle of a tunnel, we seem to be just half way through it. “The Hemp Farming Act of 2018 was a proposed law to remove hemp (defined as cannabis with less than 0.3% THC) from Schedule I controlled substances and making it an ordinary agricultural commodity. Its provisions were incorporated in the 2018 United States farm bill that became law on December 20, 2018.” (2)

One of the only positive outcomes of television in august of 2014 Dr. Sanjay Gupta, neurosurgeon and famous medical advisor aired the show “Weed” which documented some heartwarming stories about CBD. It took a television series to finally gain the traction that CBD was a viable alternative holistic option for those who could not find any luck with pharmaceuticals. 

Phytocannabiniods, including CBD have no lethal dose in scientific testing. The next few years will reveal a lot of scientific proof of the benefits of CBD and other cannabinoids such as CBD, and the effects terpenes play as well. The future of hemp is bright and so is humanities.

Terpenes are biologically active, as well as having an amazing flavor and fragrance. Hemp terpenes are pushed out by the glandular hairs found most densely on the flowers and leafs of the hemp plant. 

The most common hemp terpene is Myrcene takes about 55% of the total terpenes share. It is an earthly, musky smell that one may relate to cloves. Mycerene helps with the uptake CBD faster. It can also assist the cbd for sleep.
Limonene is a citrusy terpene that has the flavor profile of lemons, oranges and lime. It is also absorbed quickly into the bloodstream. It is a natural insecticide and is used to fight off against bacteria. 

Linalool has a lavender floral taste profile and is known for its relaxing effects. Linalool activates immune cells through receptors. It also has shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. 

Humulene has a hoppy aroma profile. Its properties are anti anlimmitory, anti tumor, and an appetite suppressant. 

Hemp Organico has harnessed these terpenes to utilize the synergy of full spectrum CBD. Our CBD softgels showcase the entirety of the hemp plant. Many CBD products are made using isolated forms of CBD which is effective but does not allow the entirety of the hemp plant to work in cohesion. As E.O. Wilson said, “Look closely at nature. Every species is a masterpiece, exquisitely adapted to the particular environment in which it has survived. Who are we to destroy or even diminish biodiversity?”

(1)  CBD a patients guide to medicinal Cannabis, Leinnhow. L, 2017
(2) McConnell announces hemp legislation with Ky. Ag. Commissioner, Lexington, Kentucky: WKYT-TV, March 26, 2018


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